XPEL Coating

Welcome to LuxTint, where excellence meets innovation in automotive detailing. Our XPEL Coating services redefine the standards of vehicle protection, ensuring your car remains in pristine condition for years to come.

What is XPEL Coating?

XPEL Coating is a cutting-edge automotive protective coating designed to shield your vehicle's paintwork from the harsh elements it faces daily. It's a liquid ceramic formula that forms a transparent, durable layer over the paint surface, providing unmatched defense against environmental contaminants, road debris, bird droppings, and UV rays.

Benefits of XPEL Coating

Long-lasting Shine

Enjoy a lasting, glossy finish that persists even in challenging weather conditions. XPEL Coating keeps your car looking as vibrant as the day it was coated.

Enhanced Protection

XPEL Coating creates a hydrophobic surface, repelling water, dirt, and contaminants. This not only preserves the aesthetics but also simplifies the cleaning process.

Scratch Resistance

Guard against minor scratches and swirl marks, keeping your paintwork flawless and reducing the need for frequent polishing.

UV Resistance

Protect your vehicle from the damaging effects of UV rays. XPEL Coating acts as a barrier, preventing oxidation and fading caused by prolonged sun exposure.

Comparison with Other Coating Versions

While various coatings claim to offer protection, XPEL stands out for its advanced ceramic technology. Unlike traditional waxes or sealants, XPEL Coating provides a thicker, more durable shield, ensuring superior defense against a broader range of contaminants.